Restore Your Home After an Electrical Fire

Restore Your Home After an Electrical Fire

Poorly wired or worn electrical plugs can pose a real threat to your home and your family, and electrical fires can cause significant damage to your property. If you have fuses that often blow, or you've noticed scorch marks around electrical outlets, it could be an indication that something isn't right with your homes wiring. According to the National Fire Protection Agency (NFPA), home electrical fires comprised 13 percent of total home structure fires between 2007 and 2011 in the United States. At Branson Enterprises, our emergency restoration services in Lake Jackson can help you restore your home following an electrical fire.

Using too many appliances on one circuit, or overloading an outlet can cause electrical problems and could potentially cause a fire. If you notice stripped wires, or wires that have become compromised due to damage or neglect, it's best to replace the appliance at once or have a licensed electrician rewire the appliance for you. Electrical fires can spread very quickly, and while it's burning behind your walls, it may take some time to notice it. If you smell smoke or acrid odors, it's imperative that you leave the house and call the fire department right away.

Cleaning up following an electrical fire may seem like an insurmountable challenge, but the restoration team at Branson Enterprises can provide emergency cleanup once the fire has been contained and extinguished. While any fire is a tragedy, we will work tirelessly to turn the situation into a more bearable experience for your family. Let us know today if you need emergency services in Lake Jackson.

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