Who is the best roofing company in Lake Jackson, TX? Branson Construction has decades of experience, whether it be minor repairs, such as leaks, missing shingles, or even house-wide roof replacement. Often, when replacing the roof it is also a good time to ask: “is it time to replace the Fascia, Soffit, or Gable Trim.” Ask us about the insurance claims process, so you don’t get stuck with a less reputable or inexperienced contractor
Branson Construction is able to accommodate a wide variety of roof types, including Flat or Shingled. While many companies recommend getting your roof inspected twice a year, a properly installed roof will last from 20 to 50 years depending on the quality and type of the shingles/materials used. If you notice staining in the upstairs ceiling/attic, or broken/displaced shingles it is good time to give us a call before water damage sets in.
Generally reserved for our commercial clients, this PVC membrane is 2nd to none when balancing value and protection for large flat roofs. Upon installation, a water-tight seal is formed and protection is guaranteed for over a decade through Duro-Last’s manufacturer warranty.
What should you do if you see a tree in your yard that could fall? What if the worst has already occurred…what if a tree has fallen into your house? When storms hit the Lake Jackson, TX and surrounding cities, Branson construction is well aware of what kind of damage is possible, how to prevent it, and what to do when the unimaginable happens. If you notice a tree starting to hang over your roof, requesting a simple “tree trimming” service is usually how you nip the problem in the bud. Don’t try to do this yourself if possible. There is a reason why we have a team that takes care of this kind of work for you, partially because of liability to the home, but the reality is….there are many opportunities for things to go wrong. Once you cut the branch–yes, it can fall and damage people and property below, but what is usually overlooked is the “loss of weight” that previously counter-balanced the opposite side of the tree. This can affect an immediate shift in the tree and cause the ladder to fall–or even the entire tree lose its stability. You do not want to be “that guy” that thought he could “handi-man” his way out of using a professional.
For those people that already have a tree caving through the roof, it is advised to call immediately so that water damage is minimized. Water Damage Restoration, roofing, and carpentry, are core services of Branson Construction, so if you have a situation like this, using a single company for the removal of the tree, repairing the roof, repairing the home’s structure, and then repairing the water damage (if any)–for most, just makes sense. If you have storm/wind insurance, call your insurer and ask them to use Branson Construction for all of your home and roofing repairs.
Fortunately, most of us get lucky, and our downed trees land in the yard–not on the house. Many of our customers don’t use a chainsaw on a daily basis and quickly realize it is far better to call a professional with commercial grade equipment and expertise. This saves a lot of time, rental costs, sweat, and yes, even for downed trees,…potential liability. Some examples: logs can roll as you cut them off the trunk, chainsaws can suddenly get stuck or pinched between hundreds (or thousands) of pounds of tree trunk, and not surprisingly, wood chips can be ejected with high velocity at exposed skin such as the face. Once you cut up the tree, then you’ll need a way to remove it–and the stump. At Branson Construction, tree removal is business as usual for us, including the stump. If you have ever wondered “how do you remove a stump,” there is no easy physical way except with the proper equipment. Give us a call for any “tree related” issues and we will walk you through the process.